Month: June 2020

Orange Cherry Pistachio Semifreddo

Orange Cherry Pistachio Semifreddo

This summery Semifreddo is an Italian classic: half ice cream, half whipped cream with rum and orange soaked cherries and pistachios. Other than the freezing part, this Semifreddo can be whipped up in less than 45 minutes and is the ideal creamy dessert for summer–NO 

Chocolate Lime Coconut Meringue Tart

Chocolate Lime Coconut Meringue Tart

A classic turned on its head: Chocolate Lime Coconut Meringue Tart made up of an easy homemade crisp chocolate coconut crust, an amped up lime filling and a super whipped coconut infused meringue. Ready for summer with every bright flavor available… Lime Dreams Sometimes you 

Hungarian (Turkey) Meatballs

Hungarian (Turkey) Meatballs

These Hungarian Turkey Meatballs made by a Croatian are browned and then finished in the oven. They sit joyously in a traditional yet lighter goulash sauce, which includes bell peppers, hot pepper, paprika, wine, and stock, only to be finished with some orzo and sour 

Blackberry Grape Smash Cocktail

Blackberry Grape Smash Cocktail

The Blackberry Grape Smash Cocktail makes the coming of July ok. Summer is here. I am not a fan of summer. I know I’m in the vast minority. I felt cheated this year because we had no real snow during winter. The minute that humidity 

Italian Latteruolo (Pudding) Cake

Italian Latteruolo (Pudding) Cake

Latteruolo It dances off of the tongue: Latteruolo. I have started to obsess over Tuscan cooking and baking. Maybe it is the simplicity and symphony of flavors and straightforward techniques. Other Italian regions have drawn my interest: Neopolitan, Istrian (which is the most Italian influenced 

Tomato Bechamel Tart

Tomato Bechamel Tart

Tart Times I think by now, it’s fair to assume I’m obsessed by tarts. Summer is here, and that means tomatoes. I was determined to create a Tomato Bechamel Tart. It’s late spring, practically summer, and the luscious, coveted Heirloom Tomato isn’t quite ready yet, 

Cherry Hazelnut Mousse

Cherry Hazelnut Mousse

If I told you that the height lacking, Moulin Rouge reveling, ultimate bohemian artist Henri Toulouse-Lautrec was the inventor of (albeit) chocolate mousse, would you believe me? I’m not surprised that he did. Saying yes too much to life (or just enough), absinthe for breakfast 

The Lala Berry Wine Cocktail

The Lala Berry Wine Cocktail

This bevvy is somewhere between a refreshing glass of white wine and a fruity cocktail. Its originator happens to be my best friend, known to me as Lala. Way back when, she was the caretaker of sorts for a luxury Tribeca loft which belonged to 

Chocolate Cherry Coconut Loaf Cake

Chocolate Cherry Coconut Loaf Cake

It has been a week of cherries. Only in the last few years have I been more cognizant about the seasons of foods. I’m not one of those obsessed with in season everything types, usually. If I want goulash in the summer, I turn up 

Turkish Manti

Turkish Manti

If you go looking for treasure long enough, deep enough, and carefully enough, you will find it. Such are the tiny beauties known as Manti in Turkish cuisine. They are small (quite small) purse shaped dumplings filled with a simple something–ours were beef, onion, parsley,