Day: June 2, 2020

Irish Brown Bread

Irish Brown Bread

I cannot remember the first time I had Irish brown bread. I’m guessing it was while living in Dublin and going to school that, one day, I bought a regular old package of sliced bread and the creamiest butter I’ve ever had. Toast and butter, 

Caramel White Russian Coffee

Caramel White Russian Coffee

I love coffee. I like to think I love the flavor, but, at this point, it is the feeling of drinking coffee that makes me happy, though the flavor rarely disappoints. Like my Croatian relatives, I can’t drink coffee from a tall paper cup while 

Strawberry Basil Cocktail

Strawberry Basil Cocktail

There is no real story here, other than summer is coming and it’s definitely time for some beautifully flavored cocktails. More than anything, you’ll find I love baking with alcohol: wine, rum, brandy (esp. Croatian Sljivovica), liqueurs like Amaretto, Grand Mariner, whiskey, Guinness. The list